Wildlife Forever Plows $1,600,000 into Minnesota Public Lands

For Immediate Release

Contact: Addison Motta AMotta@WildlifeForever.org


White Bear Lake, MN – Wildlife Forever’s rich history of habitat conservation projects exceeded $1,600,000 restoring Minnesota upland and prairie habitat. Through the United Prairie Foundation and Minnesota Native Landscapes, restoration specialists, Wildlife Forever has funded 33 projects affecting 5,829 acres of public land. Restoration of prairie habitat included areas throughout waterfowl production areas, community golf courses and parks, eliminating invasive species and developing diverse plant communities in Ecological Habitat Areas.


“Prairie restoration is critical but so too is educating the public why it’s important. Only 5% of our prairie lands remain. And prairies are one of the most diverse habitats on Earth” said Wildlife Forever President & CEO Pat Conzemius. “These restored public lands offer a better outdoor recreational opportunity for people in their local communities. Wildlife Forever is proud of this milestone accomplishment and its partners that helped with dollars to restore local habitat important to people in their communities.”


The restored prairie sites were prioritized and chosen for enhanced public access. The sites, often taken over by invasive trees, were removed and restored back to their prairie habitat. Educating the public on the value and function of prairie and upland habitat is vital. Restored grasslands provide habitat to key pollinators like bees and butterflies, as well as countless bird, mammal, and reptile species.

Wildlife Forever partnered closely with the United Prairie Foundation, a North Dakota based organization specializing in prairie restoration. The team worked closely with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Fergus Falls Wetland Management District and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to successfully restore sites and enhance public access.


“Restoring habitat is an investment that pays dividends for wildlife and the public. Thankfully we have great partnerships that understand the value of working together to make things happen,” said Dane Huinker, Habitat Division Director for Wildlife Forever.


Click the links for more information about recent Wildlife Forever prairie habitat projects:

Chippewa National Forest

Fergus Falls Prairie City USA


Join Wildlife Forever. Learn more about the Art of Conservation Fish and Songbird Art Contest®, the Clean Drain Dry Initiative™, Citizen Carp Control, and Prairie City USA® at  www.WildlifeForever.org.