The Fish Art Program offers many different award categories to recognize our participant’s unique talents and to focus on important conservation topics and issues.
Move your cursor over the photos below to read a short synopsis about each award category available for the contest.
Only one entry may be submitted per person but an entry can qualify for multiple awards.
Specialty Awards
These awards have certain requirements to compete. Get a quick peek at what’s required to compete for these awards!
IGFA Conservation Award
IGFA Conservation Award - Debris Division
Created to promote youth education through fish, fishing, and aquatic conservation.
- This Debris Division must utilize the plastic waste or found objects collected during habitat cleanups to create a game fish.
Invader Crusader
Invader Crusader Award
Created to raise awareness about the impact of aquatic invasive species on fish, fishing, and habitat.
- Artwork must feature an aquatic invasive species in addition to any fish species.
Guy Harvey Shark Award
IGFA Conservation Award
Created in partnership with the Guy Harvey Foundation to celebrate sharks and their important role in ocean ecology.
- Participants interested in competing for the Guy Harvey Shark Award must feature any shark species.
- A print specially signed by Dr. Guy Harvey, valued $200.
Western Native Trout Award
Western Native Trout Award
Created to celebrate the diversity and variety of native trout species in the western United States.
- Artwork must feature a Western Native Trout species.
- Western Native Trout Initiative Prize Package
- Winning artwork displayed on the WNTI website, newsletter, and social media pages.
Fish Habitat Writing Award
Fish Habitat Award
Created in partnership with the National Fish Habitat Partnership to focus on the importance of protecting and restoring natural fish habitat.
- Essay must answer “Why do you think it is important to protect our lakes, rivers, estuaries, and coastlines?”
- Gift package from the National Fish Habitat Partnership
State Specialty Awards
Hosts of the Fish Art Contest may offer special awards for students from their state. Look below to see if your state has any additional awards you may qualify for!
Alaska Fish Heritage Award
Alaska Fish Heritage Award
Created to celebrate Alaskan’s unique relationship with Sockeye Salmon though sport fishing, subsistence fishing or commercial fishing.
- Artist must be from the state of Alaska.
- Artwork must feature a Sockeye Salmon and illustrate one unique way that Alaskans interact with this fish.
- Examples include dip netting, commercial fishing, fish processing/drying, or yourself with your favorite catch!
- Essay must highlight the cultural, economic, or recreational importance of the Sockeye Salmon in Alaska.
International Recognition
Certificate of Recognition
Created with support by the US Forest Service, Region 10 Office
Go Fish Georgia Award
Go Fish Georgia Award
Created by the Georgia Go Fish! Education center to celebrate fish species native or introduced to the state that are commonly sought by anglers.
- Artist must be from the state of Georgia
- Examples of eligible species include:
- Shoal Bass, Largemouth Bass, Red Drum, Channel Catfish, Bluegill, Tarpon, Spotted Bass, Walleye, White Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Suwannee Bass, Dorado, Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Brook Trout, Black Crappie, Striped Bass, Spotted Sea Trout (Speckled Sea Trout), Cobia, American Shad and more.
Artwork on Display at the Go Fish Education Center
Certificate of Recognition
Created with support by the Georgia Go Fish Education Center
Florida Native Fish Award
Florida Native Fish Award
Created by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) to celebrate fish species native to Florida’s inland and marine waters. One first place winner and one runner-up will be selected for each grade bracket (kindergarten through third grade, fourth through sixth grade, seventh through ninth grade, and tenth through twelfth grade), one for illustrating the best freshwater fish species and one for the best saltwater fish species. All first-place winners will advance to the National Competition to be judged for top prizes, such as the Best of Show.
- Artist must reside in Florida.
- The art must include one or more of the following Florida native species from the same category:
- Category 1 – Freshwater: Largemouth Bass, Striped Bass, Black Crappie, Bluegill, Redear Sunfish, Spotted Sunfish, Channel Catfish, Florida Gar, Chain Pickerel, Bowfin
- Category 2 – Saltwater: Snook, Redfish, Spotted Seatrout, Flounder, Tarpon, Mahi-Mahi, Spanish Mackerel, Hogfish, Queen Snapper, Black Grouper
- First place winners in the 10-12 grade bracket will receive 10 t-shirts printed with their artwork to give to family and friends from our partner The Florida Nomad and the shirts will also be available for sale on their website.
- The two first-place winners from each grade bracket, from each category will have their artwork displayed in FWC’s freshwater or saltwater regulations guide.
- All first-place winners will have their artwork displayed at the FWC headquarters in Tallahassee.
One lucky artist may be selected from the winners and runners-up, from any grade bracket, to have their artwork available as a hard card selection for their fishing license. Hard cards are available to purchase, at an additional fee, to anyone who obtains or already holds a fishing or hunting license from the Go Outdoors Florida licensing system. A hard card is a collectible, credit-card style document that is an alternative to an electronic or paper license. The selected artist will NOT be sent a complimentary license or hard card.
National Awards
These awards are open to every contestant of the Fish Art contest. There are no special requirements to compete for these prestigious awards.
Seth Thomas Spradlin Best of Show
Best of Show
Dedicated to Seth Thomas Spradlin, the winner of the 2008 Best of Show and Art of Conservation Awards, who tragically passed away with his brother in a float plane accident while working for the Alaska National Park Service.
This Award is given to the judges’ overall top favorite piece of artwork for the contest year.
Art of Conservation Award
Art of Conservation
The Art of Conservation® Award is given to the entry that best illustrates the unique conservation needs of their chosen state-fish species. Both artwork and essays are taken into account when selecting this award.
Smile Award
Smile Award
Created to celebrate one artist’s unique perspective on fish.
This award is given to the student whose piece makes the judges ‘smile’ inside and out!
Awards for Educators
Richard M. Hart Educator of the Year
Know an outstanding educator? Nominate them for the opportunity to win:
- Limited edition “Richard M. Hart Educator of the Year” Fish Art Print
- $1,000 Amazon gift card for educational supplies
- $900 stipend toward a Fishing or Aquatic Education Seminar / Field Trip for classroom