Access Enhancement Protocol

A Comprehensive Guide to Invasive Species Prevention at Public Water Access Sites

What is the Access Enhancement Protocol?
Access Enhancement Protocol (AEP) is the systematic redesign or retrofit process to improve a public water access site. While the focus is on aquatic invasive species (AIS) prevention, this goal cannot be achieved without considering all aspects of the site to create a cohesive and well designed public user experience. AEP is a comprehensive approach to AIS management which includes unified messaging, signage, AIS prevention tools, and strategic access design to empower boaters and anglers as a key component of AIS prevention. AEP encompasses a variety of techniques to increase public awareness of invasive species and provide tools necessary for boaters and anglers to clean boats and remove vegetation and debris from watercraft at the access.

Wildlife Forever stands ready to assist in the Access Enhancement process and conduct site-specific prescriptions.  Contact us at email or call 763-253-0222.