Migratory Fish Award

Migratory Fish Art Award

The Migratory Fish Award is a GLOBAL award created in partnership between Wildlife Forever and the World Fish Migration Foundation. This award was created to highlight the importance of migratory fish across the world and they free-flowing waters they rely on. 

Artwork will be judged in two grade (age) categories k-5 (5-11 years old) and 6-12 (12-18 years old). 


Artwork must feature a Migratory Fish species from the Official Fish List (marked with a MFA)

Applicable Species for 2021 are:

Dorado Arctic char
Arctic Cisco Atlantic Salmon
Brown Trout Caspian brown trout
Chum salmon Japanese huchen
King (Chinook) salmon Sea Trout
Steelhead trout Taimen
Allis shad American shad
Hisa shad Striped bass
American paddlefish Goliath tigerfish
Senegalese carp African longfin eel
European eel Longfin eel
Shortfin eel Common bully
Common Galaxias Nile perch
Barramundi Australian Bass
Piraiba Pintado
Mekong giant catfish Chinese pangasius catfish
Three-spined stickleback Atlantic sturgeon
Russian sturgeon


1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners from both age divisions will receive a Happy Fish Statue from the World Fish Migration Foundation.

Winners in the 13-18 year old Division will also receive a bag from Patagonia.

Congratulations to the 2020 Fish Migration Award Winners


[pm_ln_image_panel title=”Swimways Poster” tip=”Go to the SwimWay Website” link=”www.swimway.org” image=”8969″]
[pm_ln_image_panel title=”Sea to Source Book” tip=”Go to the Sea To Source Website” link=”www.fromseatosource.com” image=”9017″]
[pm_ln_image_panel title=”Fish Base” tip=”Go to FishBase.Org” link=”www.fishbase.org” image=”9018″]